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Dronacharya Sr. Sec School

Academic Director Message

Dear Prospective Student,
I extend a warm welcome to you as you consider The Dronacharya School among your choices for your educational journey. This moment marks an important chapter in your life, filled with anticipation and excitement. Are you ready to embark on a journey of inspiration? Are you prepared to embrace growth through hard work and dedication? Are you eager to explore, question, and find joy in the process of learning? If your answer is yes, then The Dronacharya School awaits you with open arms.

Our curriculum is dynamic and forward-thinking, designed to cultivate critical thinking skills and articulate expression. Within an environment that fosters curiosity and encourages discovery, you will embark on a journey of intellectual exploration while having fun along the way.

Our array of extra-curricular activities offers a rich tapestry of experiences, where you will not only learn new skills but also forge lifelong friendships. Engage in visual and performing arts, participate in debates, and excel in sports. As you immerse yourself in these activities, you will uncover your true potential and learn the value of teamwork.

From an early age, you will have the opportunity to assume leadership roles, learning to embrace responsibility, mentor others, and make informed decisions. Whether it's conceptualizing and organizing events, assisting in labs and libraries, or representing your peers, you will evolve from a child to a young responsible adult, serving as a role model and leader within our community.

Our dedicated teachers embody excellence, compassion, and impartiality. They are passionate about nurturing the potential within each student and are committed to fostering a supportive learning environment.

We view parents as integral members of our community. Your involvement, assistance, and support, both at home and on campus, are invaluable contributions to enriching the lives of our students. Whether through participation in projects or volunteering your time and efforts, your partnership is essential to our collective success.

It would be my honor to welcome you and your family to the vibrant Orbis community. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Warm regards,

Mr. Vikas Yadav
Director Academics (Dronacharya Sr. Sec School, Mubarikpur)