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History of

Dronacharya Sr. Sec School

On the momentous day of 26th January 1997, a vision materialized into reality as Dronacharya School Mubarikpur was born. Like the striking of a hammer on an anvil, this event marked the initiation of a transformative journey. Nestled in the rustic embrace of rural Mubarikpur, Haryana, the school's foundation was laid, symbolizing the dawn of a new era in education.

At the helm of this educational endeavor was our visionary chairman, a leader with a steadfast commitment to providing quality education to the masses. The fertile soil of Mubarikpur became the canvas on which the transformative power of education was to be painted. The visionaries behind this initiative understood the profound impact education could have in empowering the local community.

Our journey began within the walls of a Panchayat Bhawan, generously offered by the villagers. It was a humble start, but the dreams were grand. The chairman, with unwavering determination, laid the foundation for a future where education would be a beacon of hope and empowerment.

As the seeds of education were sown, the construction of a new building commenced, shaping the physical foundation of Dronacharya School Mubarikpur. The efforts were seamlessly integrated into the community with the support of MLA Kosli, Smt Anita Yadav. Her contribution played a pivotal role in realizing the dream of a modern educational institution in rural Haryana.

The school's inception was fueled by a zeal to break new ground in rural education. The chairman, leading by example, went beyond conventional roles. Driving a tractor and trolley, he ensured that students lacking transportation resources had a means to access education. This commitment to inclusivity and innovation set the tone for the school's future.

Over the course of 26 years, Dronacharya School Mubarikpur has blossomed into a thriving educational institution. What began as a modest initiative has now grown into a campus spanning 6 acres, adorned with more than 60 rooms. The commitment to excellence has extended to transportation, with a fleet of over 20 buses strengthening the school's transport system.

Today, our school stands as a testament to progress and commitment. The campus boasts high-class facilities, creating an environment conducive to learning, growth, and holistic development. As we celebrate the rich history of Dronacharya School Mubarikpur, we look forward to the future, where the flame of knowledge continues to illuminate the path for generations to come.